During this 2-hour experience, you will:
- Delve into all the anxiety you are trying to keep at bay and harvest its power;
- Learn what your hooks are and how you fall prey to them (and to other people’s manipulation) in stupendous acts of self-sabotage or just lose time to distraction (equally bad);
- Get the final puzzle piece you need to become a Master of the Narrative Universe;
- Have an experience of extracting yourself from a malignant narrative that is exerting a huge amount of pressure;
- Experience your power as you spin a new narrative that puts you at the center of your life; and
- Develop and activate the protective power of your Maverick Mission (which exists outside the narrative universe and apart from other people’s influence).
You will also get access to pre-work so you are prepared for your session and one week of written, post-session training via The Ruby Mirror private platform.
I pay exquisite attention to everything you reveal and we use it all to enhance your personal power and discernment during these tumultuous times.